About ISPS
Promoting Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis
The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS) Australia is part of a broader international organisation that has its origins in Europe in the 1950s. It was formed with the intention of promoting psychotherapy for psychosis and providing a forum for like-minded individuals to exchange ideas. Since then it has continued to grow and refine its objectives. Now ISPS has expanded to have over 20 branches around the world and involves many leaders in this field.
ISPS Australia is a public company limited by guarantee and a small charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. We were first incorporated in 2013 and we have a board of directors who all volunteer their time.
We aim to reach all people who have a stake in psychosis research and treatment – this encompasses people with lived experience, consumers, academics, mental health professionals, family members, friends and anyone who is interested in this area. Since beginning in Australia, we have presented a number of events showcasing the work of leaders in psychological and social approaches to psychosis.