Hearing Voices and Psychosis
Presented by
Dirk Corstens, Trevor Eyles and Amanda Habermann
Friday 22nd March 2024
3pm - 5pm AEST

Learn about the Hearing Voices Approach, a social approach to psychosis.
Information presentation.
Demonstration of good practice.
Interview with voice hearer.
Discussion Q&A

online presentation and discussion

Dirk Corstens is a social psychiatrist and psychotherapist from Holland. He has been a key collaborator in Marius Romme and Sandra Escher’s Hearing Voices project at the University of Maastricht, Netherlands, since 1992.


Amanda Habermann is Chairperson of ISPS Australia has lived experience of psychosis and voice hearing.


Trevor Eyles Trained as a psychiatric nurse and psychotherapist.
based in Denmark. Working in social psychiatry for twenty years, concentrating on initiating and developing support for voice-hearers since 2003, and teaching health-care professionals.

$120.00 Non members
$100.00 ISPS Au Members
$50.00 Concession
Voice Hearers FREE

Recording Provided

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